Joey Barton arrested following altercation

QPR midfielder Joey Barton has been arrested on suspicion of affray following an incident outside a nightclub in Liverpool.
Two men were also arrested at the scene for a public order offence after they allegedly hit the 29-year-old in the head.
Joey Barton QPR
Many supporters staying away from the Euros are pinpointing the lack of appeal of the host nations as a factor, but there are plenty of reasons to travel.

While for the stay-at-home public it is just another opportunity to watch the continent’s very best players fight it out, those heading to Eastern Europe do so largely in trepidation rather than eager anticipation.

Overall, ticket sales are down, particularly in England. As the Football Supporters' Federation's Kevin Miles told "Many have decided that as the Euros are being played in countries which aren't very appealing to the tourist, they are better off saving their money."

But to miss the trip for the fear of having nothing to do between games may well be to deprive yourself of a summer just as fun as any other in recent memory.

The fascinating surroundings were among the reasons why fans travelled in their hordes from all parts to attend finals tournaments in the likes of Belgium and Netherlands in 2000, Portugal in 2004, and Austria and Switzerland in 2008.

But this time around, while the pull for the average football tourist is less obvious off the pitch, it is surely no less appealing if you look hard enough. And the governments of the co-hosting countries will hope that those who do attend will find more than enough to occupy their time and ensure that word of mouth works in their favour to increase future tourism.

“Ukraine is not dead yet,” says the first line of the country’s national anthem, and as if to emphasise the fact, the former Soviet nation is actually the eighth most popular European tourist destination, with its Crimean resorts and Carpathians mountains high on the list of places to visit.

Kiev alone offers the fantastic UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Pechersk Lavra Monastery, with its gold-domed churches and magnificent frescoes, as well as great examples of historical significance such as the Golden Gate museum and the unmissable Motherland monument.


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