3 Sampdoria fans stabbed in serious condition

Fighting broke out last night in Via Geirato, in the Molassana area of Genoa, after Sampdoria's playoff victory saw the team return to Serie A.
Three Sampdoria supporters were stabbed during clashes in the area. Police are investigating the incident, while the three men stabbed were taken to the emergency ward of Genoa's San Martino hospital for treatment.
Their condition is serious and all three are in intensive care.
Two of the men suffered injuries to their lungs and liver, while the third was knifed in the stomach and in the thigh. Two other supporters who suffered light injuries were treated in other hospitals in the city, with doctors saying they would make a full recovery within 7 and 10 days respectively.
Investigators looking for the perpetrators of the attack are focussing their attentions on Genoa supporters.


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